Health & Fitness

The Relationship Between PCOS And Weight Loss

Dealing with PCOS itself is tough, not to mention the effects it can have on your body including the relationship...

D ealing with PCOS itself is tough, not to mention the effects it can have on your body including the relationship between Pcos and weightloss. Even if you do what you can to reverse them, it's never an easy task.

Thankfully, with full access to the internet and advances in research on PCOS, we are able to explain the rocky relationship between PCOS and weight loss and let you know how to maximize the effects of a good diet and exercise plan.

Women's problems have long since been undermined by calling them dramatic or attention seekers, which has resulted in the diseases being ignored and not fully researched. However, the world is changing now and scientists are determined to find out healthy ways to manage these along with maintaining a good lifestyle consisting of regular exercise, healthy diets, and everything else.

What Is PCOS?

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a disease that is diagnosed by a criterion that consists of cysts on ovaries found on ultrasonography as well as an irregular menstrual cycle. It also causes issues with fertility and extra hair on the body, which may be unpleasant for many.

Among other effects it has on your body, irregular or heavy bleeding with extreme pain is one of them as well as sudden weight gain and a kind of resistance to weight loss if done without a proper plan or with intermittent fasting.

Why Is It Difficult To Lose Weight With PCOS?

The main reason comes down to hormonal problems in this disease. Hence, it causes them to keep storing sugar but be unable to use it as an energy source but instead use proteins, lipids, and other substances for energy.

Next up with the increase in insulin in the body is its effects on causing male hormones to increase abnormally. These high levels of male or androgen hormones lead to extra unwanted hair, weight gain particularly in the abdomen as well as acne. The reason is that males mostly gain weight around the abdomen and this weight is the most dangerous of all because it is associated with many kinds of heart diseases and cardiovascular problems.

Easy Tips On How To Lose Weight With PCOS

The first thing in this regard is finding a good doctor who does not invalidate your struggles. This should preferably be an endocrinologist who is well aware of the imbalance of hormones and knows about their effects and side effects. Following are some tips you can make a part of your daily routine for a healthy weight loss at home, but remember to get it double checked by your doctor and follow them only then:

  1. Eat food high in fiber: This includes salads and any other foods that you enjoy and don't feel like a rabbit while eating. Cucumbers can be a great treat because they're juicy and ideal for this kind of diet.
  2. Eat small meals throughout the day as compared to big meals: This will help to regulate your insulin levels.
  3. Start mild exercise which you happen to enjoy: This can be aerobic dance, or jogging or running, or skipping rope. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising. Go up to thirty minutes per day and notice if it makes you exhausted or helps you become more active. 
  4. If you smoke, check with your doctor to quit in a healthy way: Smoking can increase the potency of the effects of your disease.
  5. Love yourself: We know it sounds strange in a list of weight loss tips but if you cannot accept yourself, you cannot become the best version of yourself. It's a disease and not your fault. Strive to become the best and healthiest version of yourself!

Having A Good Support Group

Knowing the relationship between PCOS and weight loss means you need a strong support system to help you through the journey and we are sure you can find them! It may not be easy but joining support groups and making new friends can be helpful.

In addition, here are some statistics of PCOS and weight loss to motivate you! Now that you have some insight on the relationship between PCOS and weight loss, are you ready to tackle this disease and help your body become the healthiest version of itself? You got this! 

  • This post is tagged in:
  • healthy ways to lose weight
  • PCOS
  • weight loss