O ne thing's for sure and that is the world is slowly shifting into the digital world and trying to make everything happen there. Paperwork is such old news. To this day, billing and payments are mainly still done physically on paper, but how about we change that? Digitizing billings may actually make this process easier, or maybe not. Here are some pros and cons of digitizing billings and payments that will help you decide.
There is no doubt that we all think that digitizing can actually help positively but we never know when challenges creep in and make us change our minds. Let us discuss this further in detail.
As technology will be needed for this there will be more employment for people in IT and online banking. It will create new opportunities for people who are good at both and help make the process easier for everyone else. This way people who struggle with technology can understand better and work along with them.
Working with bills and receipts uses up a lot of paper with most of them being thrown away once they are of no use. And bulks of paper are needed to be manufactured to make bills and receipts in the first place. Digitizing this process will help reduce paper waste and reduce the cutting of trees in the long run. Once your system goes digital you will barely have to use paper anymore and that dreaded shredder. Eventually, when everyone shifts to digital we could have a healthier environment.
Having many papers and bills around can be mildly infuriating. It messes up the brain and confuses you if it gets too messy and cluttered. It is safe to say that once you digitize your payments you will be free from papers and their clutter. Being organized helps you make better decisions and makes it easy to see your data. You will no longer have to look for missing files either when all of them will be saved onto your phone.
The best part about this whole process is the simplicity of carrying out your payments. You will no longer have to take out time to visit the bank for information or look for ATMs to deposit your money. It will also reduce the risk of missing deadlines as you can schedule your payments and make them automatic, so they will be automatically paid on the date you want them to. This way you will never miss your payments and reduce further complications down that road.
I am sure every software has its security and works day and night to keep data secure. But you never know there are a few nooks and evil hackers barging their way into your data. The chances could be really low but they are never zero.
One common issue that many people will face, especially those who are not used to technology, is getting used to the digitized system. It is not easy to go through changes when you are not familiar with them. It may take time for some people to understand before fully getting into it or some may just give up.
We never know what disaster can knock on our door at any time. It is safe to keep all your data and documents in a hard drive, cloud storage, or any other place in case of an emergency when you seem to have lost your data in the original place. Keeping a backup for any data is always a good idea. Better safe than sorry.
This may sound like a pro, however, it can be dangerous at times when people use it illegally. For example, if criminals choose to launder money and use it, they could never be traced.
We can clearly tell it is close to a tie for this debate. There are always good and bad sides to every decision we make but always go for what makes you feel confident. Although online digital banking is already part of our world now, might as well give it a try.