Choosing snacks that are high in fiber and protein while being low in calories is very important as otherwise the...
4 min read
hoosing snacks that are high in fiber and protein while being low in calories is very important as otherwise the habit of overeating gets developed. Choosing healthier snacks also helps in reducing the guilt that tends to happen from snacking in between meals.
Instead of eating empty calories and filling the stomach with junk, guilt-free snacking adds to the daily nutrients needed in the human body, making it a more positive experience for those eating.
Listed below are just some of the possibilities for having healthy guilt-free snacks in the house or even something to eat when someone is on the go and in a rush.
Kale Chips
Heavy with vitamin K, C, and A, kale chips make for a healthy crunchy snack. They are easy to make as all they require is cutting off the ends, tossing in a little bit of olive oil and seasonings, after which just baking them in the oven for 15 minutes at 350°F.
They came out super light and crispy and will last all week if stored properly in an airtight container.
Also, known as garbanzo peas, chickpeas can be a versatile snack option. They are packed with high amounts of fiber and protein, making them easier on the stomach.
A popular reason why snacking takes place stems from the desire to eat something crunchy.
Oven-roasted chickpeas help fill that potato chip-shaped void. They are store-bought versions available in stores and online. However, making them at home not only reduces the calories per serving, but it also becomes cheaper on the pocket. Try draining a 15 ounce can of chickpeas and tossing them in olive oil, a sprinkle of salt, and pepper; they are now ready to be baked at 450’F for 30 to 35 minutes. A variety of flavors is also possible as they make a great base for many recipes where chickpeas can be used as an alternative.
This is a whole grain ingredient that is very high in fiber that can be used in making all sorts of different snacks. Ranging from light oatmeal with brown sugar and lots of fresh fruit to being used in chocolate chip cookies or even banana bread. They bring a nutty flavor to the dish. Oats are packed with not only fiber but also high in protein, providing 5g of protein easily for every half cup of uncooked oats.
Is it surprising for anyone that popcorn is on the list? The key to healthier popcorn is to air pop them on the stove instead of opting for “movie theater butter” packets that are available in markets. Not only is it cheaper to buy just the kernels, but the flavor of the product can also be enhanced in ways that box popcorn can not match.
By air popping the kernels, the calories for 3 cups of popcorn come to just under 100 calories. They can be enjoyed like that or with a variety of seasonings, such as garlic powder or even cheese powder or if something sweet is being desired then crunchy salted caramel popcorn is the way to go. Popcorn is also a well-known whole grain, meaning it is packed with fiber that will keep anyone feeling full for a longer period.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are plant-based nutritional powerhouses, packed with a lot of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. All things are good for the human body.
Since the seeds themselves do not have a lot of flavor, they make a great base for making snacks such as chia puddings or even smoothies, especially since after being soaked in liquids they have a consistency similar to jelly.
Buying a packet of chia seeds also does go a long way as 1 to 2 tablespoons of chia seeds is more than enough for a serving as they expand after being soaked.
To make a simple pudding all that is required is soaking a tablespoon of chia seeds in ⅓ cup of milk of choice in the fridge for 30 minutes before adding the desired flavors that can be cocoa powder or peanut butter or even fruit purees with a little bit of sugar. The seeds will take on any flavor that is added to them making them a great choice for a guilt-free snack.You can also try these organic foods if you are on a budget to stay healthy!