
6 Tips To Learn How To Minimize Your Carbon Footprint

It’s no surprise that the world is at dire risk. Climate change is reaching an all-time high, and you should...

I t’s no surprise that the world is at dire risk. Climate change is reaching an all-time high, and you should do your part in trying to save your home, and learn how to minimize your carbon footprint.

A lot of the time people wish to help out in reducing their impact on the world, but they do not know where to start. If you find yourself experiencing this issue as well, stay and learn ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make the world a better and cleaner place to live in!

What Is A Carbon Footprint And How Do I Calculate Mine?

The first step to take to learn how to minimize your carbon footprint is to learn more about what you are trying to tackle. A carbon footprint refers to the number of greenhouse gases released due to any given action taken. For example, using your car can release up to 4.6 metric tons of greenhouse gases per year.

You don’t have to panic, as there are numerous websites available on the internet that allow you to calculate the carbon footprint you make every year. Alongside that, you can also search through different options, such as a family-based impact, or even start small, with months or weeks.

The Small Things Count the Most

If you are in the beginning stages of improving your carbon footprint, it is better to start small and then work up to larger changes so it’s easier to get used to them.

If you live in a particularly harsh climate, the use of Air Conditioning or a heater would be frequent.  Having a constantly warm or cool home does sound cozy and relaxing, but not for the environment. Unplug your air conditioning and heaters when you leave the space for a long period. Alternatively, you can also turn off lights and fans when you do not need them.

Along with that make sure to unplug your devices right after they are fully charged. For a long-term solution, try investing in energy-saving lights and appliances!

Close The Taps

Long hot showers after a tiring day sound like a paradise on Earth, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Make a habit of using less water for a shower, and turning the taps off while not in use.

If you own a lawn with water sprinklers or garden hoses, you waste a lot of water. As an alternative, you can get a drip irrigation system to save your water and help upkeep your lawn.

Get Better Clothing Options

Following all the new fashion trends is surely the hype, but most of the brands that provide all the fashionable clothes you love aren’t exactly sustainable. Due to famous applications such as Tiktok and Instagram, new and different trends come by every day, giving rise to fast fashion, which refers to the mass production of disposable clothes with poor quality.

 To keep up with the ever-changing trends in fashion, people move on from one clothing to another, meaning most of the clothes you buy will be dumped out three weeks later. Since the clothes aren’t ethically sourced, the environment suffers a great loss. To prevent that, try purchasing clothes from thrift or more sustainable stores!

Recycle And Create

You’ve probably heard about practicing the three R’s practically your entire life. But it is all in good measure. Instead of buying new notebooks every year, take the pages you don’t need anymore and create an entirely new book for yourself.

 Along with that, if you collect tiny trinkets such as corks from wine bottles, once you gather enough you can make an entire table for yourself! Practicing DIY projects such as these will not only provide a funky and personal touch to your home but also help in reducing the wastage of products.

Help By Taking Action Now

Making all these changes within yourself and in your lifestyle may sound quite like a chore, and it must seem pointless considering a large population’s worth of impact. However, once you start with baby steps and make small changes in your daily life, you can work up towards bigger changes like bicycling to work instead of taking your car or a bus. You can even encourage others to do their part in saving the environment after teaching yourself how to minimize your carbon footprint.

  • This post is tagged in:
  • saving
  • recycle
  • reduce
  • reuse
  • sustainability