Health & Fitness

5 Best Exercises For Legs Workout: Never Forget Leg Day!

The most daunting part of a full-body workout is leg workout. It requires the most effort, and it is so...

T he most daunting part of a full-body workout is leg workout. It requires the most effort, and it is so intimidating because getting used to it can take some time. Knowing the best exercises for a legs workout is important to plan out your next workout routine. Soreness of the legs can take the longest to go away but don’t worry, once you get in the flow of it, a leg workout is the most rewarding of all both with the post-workout endorphins and longtime results. 

Why Are Leg Workouts Important?

The leg muscles are large and are an integral part of keeping your body stable and upright. If you train your whole body’s muscles but leave your legs without exercise, you will have weak legs that can’t sustain the rest of your body’s weight. Leg workout is essential to maintain balance.

The Basics

Your legs are comprised of four large groups of muscles:

  • Gluteal muscles 
  • Quadriceps
  • Calf muscles
  • Hamstrings

If you’re just getting started with planning a workout routine for the first time, it is important to keep in mind to start with these basics. Once you have these covered, you can move on to more complex exercises and workouts.

Another thing to keep in mind is the duration of your workout. Try to do 4 to 5 sets of each exercise where you do 7-10 reps of each. Build up your stamina slowly and then gradually increase your workout duration. Start with 3 sets of each and work your way up. Switch up what exercise you’re doing every once in a while otherwise, your workouts will become ineffective.

The Importance Of Warming Up

Immediately rushing into strenuous exercise will lead to painful cramps and possible muscle tears. This is why it is important to warm up for some time before you start your sets and reps to make sure your body gets acquainted with your workout routine. Your breathing, blood circulation, and heart rate must adapt in order for you to make the best out of your workout and to reduce post-workout  and fatigue.

Here are some of the best exercises for a good leg workout that you should incorporate while planning out your next workout routine!


Front squats and back squats can help tone your legs, glutes, hips, and abs, all at the same time. It can be tough to get used to but it is one of the best workouts you can incorporate and one of the essentials. Squat next to a wall or the edge of the table, but don’t use that support to push and pull yourself up. Do that using your own strength.

Plank Leg Lifts

Another full-body workout that will tone and shape your muscles. Plank leg lifts improve your posture and overall tone muscle while also helping to burn down any fat you want to lose. Doing plank leg lifts will give you a gorgeously shaped and toned body with strong muscles.


Lunges not only help you build muscle and strength, but they also tone your leg muscles overall. They will not only make you look better but also feel better. They are great to improve your posture and flexibility. They are excellent if you want to shape your glutes.


Steps-ups are amazing for increasing the strength of leg muscles. As you incorporate step ups in your leg workout, you will notice how your lower body muscles gradually activate and get stronger. They will help you increase your stability, posture, flexibility, and range of movements. It is a safe workout with a low risk of injury.

Glute Bridges

Excellent for activating your gluteal muscles, glute bridges will help you get your butt in shape and once the results start showing, you won’t regret them. They not only build muscles and cut down fat but they are also great if you deal with lower back pain. Incorporating glute bridges will also improve your squats, and if you do deadlifts, they will help your muscles gain strength.

These are the best exercises for legs workout that are tried and tested. In conclusion, leg workouts help you activate your muscles and make them healthier no matter what kind of lifestyle you lead, so make sure to add them to your routine!

  • This post is tagged in:
  • working out
  • Leg exercises
  • exercise routine
  • squats
  • leg workout
  • planks